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Showing posts from May, 2021
  Well, this has been quite the year. I’ve gotten to know so many of you over the past couple of years from conversations on tour and over the phone, and while they are usually about bikes and trips and fun stuff, all that shifted in March. Suddenly we were talking about the COVID-19 pandemic and postponing tours and avoiding travel. It’s been difficult, but Bicycle Adventures has kept going, knowing that pushing through would be worth the reward of getting back out on the road.  In late June/early July we did just that! We had a few small groups who wanted to travel and I was fortunate enough to get to guide our Mysore tour. Leading up to the trips, Avinash and I talked every day, going through our checklists and thinking about safety and logistics for our pals. Avinash led us through a COVID safety training at the warehouse before we left, providing a good game plan of what to do to mitigate exposure on tour.  When the tour started it was initially a little weird to not shake peoples